God did not just save us so that we could just go about living our daily lives with a guarantee of getting into heaven. Or to just say that I know of God. Or to think we can just ask God for stuff like he’s our genie as though we’re apart of some elite group that no one else has access to. Holding onto the Gospel like hoarders. The Gospel and the salvation of Jesus is more about the blessings he gives. When you really think about about it and read about it, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about making the most of Him in our lives with all that we do. (1 Corinthians 10:31 – So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.) Drawing closer to Christ should be what we do whole-heartedly because we just love him and who he is. This should be our top priority everyday. We should wake up thinking, what more can we do to please God? What more can we do to expand the Kingdom of God?
We have to get back to the basics of being in awe of our Lord. The lover of our souls, our redeemer who brought us back to a rightful place in his family, our Savior. The one who is never lacking in his grace and mercy. Just looking around we should be honored to be able to walk in the reality of his creation all around us. Yet we go day to day doing just enough to make sure we keep out ticket into heaven. But its more than just about heaven. If all we care about is what we can get from God, doing just enough to keep the benefits like a health plan we can customize, than we have truly missed the Gospel and the true character of God. We can even question if we can keep our Christian card. Even Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve others. (Matthew 20:28 – For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”) We need to keep in mind that the blessings God gives is not just because he loves us, because he does, but these blessings come when we are in alignment with his will and with what the Bible says. So don’t become mad at God when not everything goes your way. He could be really trying to tell you that blessing you asked for isn’t coming because that isn’t aligned with His will. We are all connected to Gods will. So start praying for ‘God let your will be done’. And watch God work. Don’t focus on heaven, don’t focus on the stuff you need God to get, no, stop. Focus on the greatness of our God. Fall in love with the Savior all over again. Come back to Him with the right heart, the right mind so you can be drawn closer to him. Stay Focused on God. (Revelation 2:4 – But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.)