
Christ Confidence. (prt. 2)

I sought the Lord, and he answered me;  delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces.    are never covered with shame.  – Psalm 34:4-5

When I read this scripture, what came to mind was a fleet of confidence wrapped in just two verses. The first half of the verse calls back on a time when the Lord answered the prayers if his people and delivered them from any worry. This gives us the cofidence that we are heard. To the Lord our voices matter and that the Lord can take away any self-doubt we may have about ourselves.

The second half reveals the reward we receive when we look to God for all we need. Our self-worth, our confidence, how we feel about ourselves as women, is beautiful. God sees no reason for us to feel ashamed about being a woman. We hold ourselves condident, becasuse our confidence rests in the one who sees no flaw in us. Because Christ made us blameless when he died on the cross. We are his people.

Radient, blameless, delivered, fearless. That’s what I see in you. And it looks like God sees it as well. Love who you are. Be confident in Christ.