Verse For The Weekend

I’m glad to be with you ladies again. Its been a whirlwind of family, activities, kids and travel. But I’m thankful to be back with you all and get back into the word. Get back to building each other up and standing strong together in the Lord. So take this scripture with you ladies and…

Verse For The Weekend

Hey ladies the holiday season is practically here. So I know our weekends are going to get packed with tasks. And if your anything like me your weekends will be full of family visits, errands to various stores and lots of cooking. Just rember in all that you do, do it with love and keeping…

Your Greatness Is Not Determined By Others

For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, – Ephesians 5:29 I think we women have a hard time shutting out voices and opinions of others. And ignoring the constant visual aids about how the media believes we should look when it comes to…

Verse For The Weekend

Have a great weekend ladies and continue to build yourself and others up with the power of a few positive words. Stay sassy, sexy and saved.   From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied. The tongue has the power of life and death,…